
Cowal Gold Water Pipeline


Saving on Contract Value


Right of Way



12 weeks

Contract Duration

FAST tracked through a collaborative client / contractor approach to guarantee that construction of the pipeline infrastructure occurred prior to the 2020 wet season to meet the required output capacity of 25-30Ml per day. The pipeline construction could not interfere with the operation of the exisiting pipeline which presented a challenge due its location and proximity to be 1,000mm from centre to centre within the easement. The new pipeline was also constructed in a restricted working width across the lake. The Development Application easement width of 6,000mm was static and could not be breached under any circumstances.

Evolution’s Cowal Operation is located approximately 40km north-east of West Wyalong in New South Wales, Australia. This high-quality Australian gold asset with a long history of stable, large scale, low cost production. The mine pit encroaches the Lake Cowal ephemeral lake system. The lake is approximately 9.5km wide when full.

Project Details

  • Supply and construct 25km’s PE100 PN10 400mm pipe
  • Air, isolation, scour outlets and stock offtakes
  • General arrangement layout of pipelines and booster stations
  • Bulk earthwork design & concrete design
  • Underground services relocation
  • Pig launching
  • MDR documentation
  • Conduct all survey work required


West Wyalong, NSW






Evolution Resources PTY LTD

Related Projects

Santos Limited

Roma West 2B Gathering Project

This particular section included gas and water gathering pipelines, along with the added complexity of installation of HV & FOC reticulation, often commingled within the trenches with the PE Gas & Water pipelines.

Pneumatic testing was progressively completed in five defined sections, allowing a sequenced handover of the asset to commence early gas extraction.

Completed on time and on budget, with zero defects, despite significant challenges of slow rock excavation and inclement weather.

Evolution Resources PTY LTD

Cowal Gold Water Pipeline