Campaspe Stock & Domestic Water Supply
Yungera trenching
Murtho SIS Scheme
Century Zinc
Wongabon Water Reticulation
APLNG Coal Seam Gas

APLNG is Australia’s largest producer of coal seam gas (CSG), supplying Queensland’s domestic gas market, as well as processing CSG into liquefied natural gas to meet growing export demand. Exploration for CSG in central and south west Queensland extends through the Bowen and Surat basins, with nearby towns including Roma, Chinchilla and Miles.
Bega to Yellow Pinch Dam

The project was designed to improve the water supply security of the existing Tantawangalo-Kiah water supply system. It will also lessen extraction of water from Tantawangalo Creek and the Kiah Borefield during low stream flows by connecting a new source of water to the system and enhance operational flexibility in the supply of water from […]
Carmichael Rail Pipeline

The Carmichael coal mine is located in the north Galilee Basin, Queensland, approximately 280km south of Townsville and 300km west of Mackay. The work scope included the construction of a water pipeline and procurement of associated pumping equipment & water storages.
Cowal Gold Water Pipeline

Evolution’s Cowal Operation is located approximately 40km north-east of West Wyalong in New South Wales, Australia. This high-quality Australian gold asset with a long history of stable, large scale, low cost production. The mine pit encroaches the Lake Cowal ephemeral lake system. The lake is approximately 9.5km wide when full.
Middlemount Coal Pipeline

The Middlemount Coal Mine (Mine) is an open cut coal mine located approximately 270 km west-northwest of Rockhampton and approximately 10 km south west of the township of Middlemount. The work was required to be performed both ON & OFF mine lease for Peabody Energy and Yancoal Australia.