Stakeholder Engagement


A critically important component to the success of any project is effective and ongoing stakeholder engagement.

Separate to our commitment to local and indigenous communities is our liaison with other stakeholders including, land holders, property owners, statutory authorities and public utilities. Managing stakeholder engagement is a ‘business as usual’ activity for Mitchell. On the majority of our projects we will directly manage stakeholder engagement on behalf of our clients.

Consistent stakeholder connections

Focusing on early and consistent communication to all stakeholders is vital. Communication includes keeping stakeholders informed of upcoming works, proactively identify and responding to potential issues, so as to minimise the impacts to people, properties, businesses and the local environment.

Our strategy is to:

  • Communicate in a timely, honest, polite and respectful manner
  • Develop and implement project specific Stakeholder Engagement Management Plans
  • Listen to and respond wherever possible to the needs of stakeholders
  • Make every effort to resolve issues to the satisfaction of all involved
  • Observe agreed working hours
  • Implement the requirements of the land holder line lists;
  • and Honour all commitments made

Mitchell have strong and collaborative working relationships with many RAP (registered aboriginal parties) groups. Timely and concise communication with RAP groups is of the utmost importance in ensuring no delays due to survey or approvals are incurred, and more crucially that their country is respected and protected during construction.

Clear and timely communication

Mitchell have strong and collaborative working relationships with many RAP (registered aboriginal parties) groups. Timely and concise communication with RAP groups is of the utmost importance in ensuring no delays due to survey or approvals are incurred, and more crucially that their country is respected and protected during construction.